Difference Between Source Code and Object Code

We have Started the free Java & C++ code for our student and we have started it from beginning, you can learn programming in Java & C++ by following our post and lecture. If you know Urdu or Hindi language, you can also follow our Youtube channel with exactly the same name, GetIntoCode. If you don't understand Urdu or Hindi then you don't have to worry. Here you will get our post from which you can learn programming in Java & C++. Without wasting more time let get started with our today's post.
In this post of "Get Into Code", we are going to learn difference between Source Code and Object Code.

Source Code

Source Code is the Code which is created in any Language other than machine or Low Level Language. It can be in the Language of C/C++, Java, HTML and other High Level Languages. High Level Languages are those Languages which are close to Human Languages. Therefore, Source Code is Human Readable and Understandable Code. For Instance here is an example of Source Code

public class MyClass
    public static void main (String args [])

Object Code

Object Code is the Code which is created in machine or Low Level Language. OR Object Code is also the Code which may be converted through Compiler  into Low Level Language so that the instruction written in the Source Code will be understood by Computer. Because it is only the language which can be understood by the Computer.

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java/io/PrintStream println (Ljava/lang/String;)V
SourceFile MyClass.java! *· ±
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The main difference between Source And Object Code is that Source Code is Human readable Code and  Object code is Computer readable Code.

If you know Urdu or Hindi Language Watch The Video Below For More Guideline

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