Comments in Java

Get Into Code provides you with free C++ and Java Course in Hindi/Urdu and also provides you the opportunity to practice your skills to be perfect. In the previous video we have discussed about the Basic Syntax of Java. In this video we are going to discuss about Comments in Java.
Comments are very important in any type of programming Language like C++, Java, JavaScript etc. Comments are programmer readable explanation about the code in the Source Code. It has no effects on the Object Code because it was ignored by Compiler and Interpreter.  Comments are of two types i.e. Single Line Comments and Multi Line Comments.

Single Line Comments
Single Line Comments Starts with // and followed by the comment.
// This is single line comment.

Multi Line Comments
Single Line Comments Starts with /* and followed by the comment which may be up to many lines and ends with */
/* This is multi
 line comment.*/

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